
Microchipping is crucial for pet safety, ensuring a higher chance of reunion if they ever get lost.

Microchips are a type of permanent identification that can not be altered. Veterinary hospitals, animal shelters and animal control officers have scanners that can help them locate the owner of a stray animal if they scan the microchip. The number is registered to the owner, which allows them to be contacted.

Why is it a good idea to microchip my dog?

A microchip is a permanent form of identification. It does not fade and can not be lost. Wherever life takes you and your dog, your microchip will follow.

How does microchipping work and is it safe for my dog?

A microchip has a registration number that is unique to your pet. The rice-sized chip is implanted under the skin with a needle. It is safe and not any more painful than getting a vaccination. Microchipping can be done awake or during an anesthetic procedure.

How much does it cost to microchip a dog?

For pricing, please contact the hospital, and we will be happy to provide you with a quote.

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